28. In the Beginning was the Command Line
简短的读者反馈和新闻之后两人花费了大量时间来回顾 command line/shell 的历史,以及讨论它为什么重要。
本期的口号是:It is easier to port a shell than a shell script.
本期节目的剪辑在 iPad Air 2 上使用 Ferrite Recording Studio 完成。
- Programmers Should Not Call Themselves Engineers
- Flutter
- 0.30000000000000004.com
- Teletype、Teletype Model 33
- Acoustic Coupler
- Multics
- sh、csh、ksh、bash、ash / dash、zsh、psh、yash、fish
- Unix Wars
- What does it mean to be sh compatible?
- Oh My Zsh
- Dash as /bin/sh
- Homebrew
- lolcat
- tig: text-mode interface for Git
- cowsay
- Fortune cookie
- IPython
- bpython
- pry
- tree
- tmux
- htop
- pbcopy, pbpaste、open
- Rio:《IT 公论》主播,IPN 联合创始人,Apple4us 程序员。
- 吴涛:Type is Beautiful程序员,《内核恐慌》主播。