7. 软件包管理
延伸上期「生命周期管理」话题,本期节目中吴涛和 Rio 讨论了 package management,包管理。内容包括 Windows 的 DLL hell,各 Linux 发行版的打包格式,Homebrew 有何过人之处,Python 包管理工具的混乱现状,其他关键字包括 npm、Ruby Gem、Rake、Zope、Maven,当然还有 Rio 钟爱的 Go。
- Apple Bundle 格式
- Apple Package 格式
- Windows Installer
- Property List (.plist) file format
- What is the AppData folder
- The Rule of Silence “when a program has nothing surprising, interesting or useful to say, it should say nothing”.
- DLL hell
- Debian package
- RPM format
- 知乎问题:服务器操作系统应该选择 Debian/Ubuntu 还是 CentOS?
- Yum
- Zypper
- FreeBSD ports
- Fink
- MacPorts
- Homebrew
- Homebrew formula
- Linuxbrew
- NuGet
- 人彘
- lolcat
- Maven
- Why does Maven have such a bad rep?
- Maven Adoption Curve
- New project requirements start with Maven
- Sonatype Nexus
- sbt
- Rake
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala by Martin Odersky
- easy_install
- Distutils
- pip
- PyPI
- PEP 381 - Mirroring infrastructure for PyPI
- pythonz
- Python Image Library
- iPython Qt Console
- Buildout
- Zope
- ZeroMQ
- CocoaPods
- Gem
- DSLs - A powerful Scala feature
- Stackoverflow「风滚草」勋章
- npm
- Bundler
- Semantic Versioning
- Golang - Download and install packages and dependencies
- Godep
- Google Build System
- YouTube Rewind 2014
- Rio:《IT 公论》主播,IPN 联合创始人,Apple4us 程序员。
- 吴涛:Type is Beautiful 程序员,《内核恐慌》主播。